
Home / Projects / Hollywood Residential Care /

[Thursday, 23 January, 2025]

[07:00:31 AM]

Home / Projects / Hollywood Residential Care /

[Thursday, 23 January, 2025]

[07:00:31 AM]

[Status: In progress]

[Client: Regis Group]

[Size: 11,000m2]

Projects →

Regis Nedlands Residential Care

Nedlands, Western Australia

Contemporary Aged Care Living

Regis Hollywood replaces the existing Park Lodge nursing home with a contemporary state of the art, five storey plus basement residential aged care facility. The development forms part of the larger Regis Hollywood Village aged care facility.

Set in the leafy suburb of Nedlands, the new facility sits as a contemporary residential building at ease in its environment.  The new building addresses the street with extensive windows providing views over the public domain that when combined with the use of the balconies create a ‘living’ façade.
Incorporating 146 high care beds, the new facility provides a high quality environment to enhance the level of care and dignity to its residents. North facing large open plan communal living and dining areas, cinemas, library, café, activity rooms and a rooftop lifestyle precinct create a high level of amenity. Centralised nursing and staff zones, treatment rooms, a day spa, hairdresser, centralised kitchen and laundry services enable staff to provide a high level of care to the residents.