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[Thursday, 23 January, 2025]

[04:10:19 AM]

Home / Projects / Bendigo Hospital /

[Thursday, 23 January, 2025]

[04:10:19 AM]

[Status: In progress]

[Client: Exemplar Health]

[Size: 74,772m2]

Projects →

Bendigo Hospital

Bendigo, Victoria

An Enhanced Wellness Landscape

STH worked with the successful Exemplar Health Consortium to deliver the $630 million, 372-bed Bendigo Hospital Project. The new facility features a dedicated 80-bed Mental Health Services Precinct (5,413 m²) with specific specialist departments including a 5-bed Parent-Infant Unit, 20-bed Secure Extended Care Unit, 20-bed Older Persons Unit, 35-bed Acute Adult Care and High Dependency Unit. Additional support areas include a separate main reception, private waiting areas, lounge and dining and private courtyards for each specialist department.
The Mental Health Services Precinct is centred around the provision of a calming and nurturing environment, created by providing a sense of nature with artwork and colour palettes drawing from the local Bendigo landscape. Enhanced “wellness” landscaping across the entire hospital site provides additional respite areas for staff, patients and visitors. This is Victoria’s largest regional hospital, providing high quality healthcare to Bendigo and its wider regional community.

“The principles of the design are that it’s a calm, homelike as much as you can make a hospital homelike, environment… We believe that if you get the architecture right, you improve people’s mental state.”

Anna Fox, Principal